Friday, June 21, 2013

How To Boil Corn On The Cob

This is my kitchen approved method of boiling corn on the cob. We had corn on the cob for Memorial Day and will have it for Independence Day. This is the only way I will eat corn on the cob. It is very tasty! I love biting into a hot, juicy, sweet, yummy piece of corn. Oh... the sweetness. 

Here is my recipe:

Boiled Corn on the Cob
By Carrie Perrins
  • corn on the cob
  • water
  • large pot
  • butter
  • salt and pepper
  • piece of bread-optional

Fill a large pot full of water and bring to a boiling point. It doesn't really matter how much water, just enough to cover the amount of corn you have. 
Husk corn. Remove as much of the silk (the white hairy like threads) as you can... then rinse the corn under cold water, somewhat scrubbing the rest of the silk off with your hands. This is my tip and trick. I have done it for years... it helps remove the silk. Once the silk is removed... put the corn on the cob into boiling water. The water must be boiling. Boil on high heat for ONLY 7 minutes, turning the corn frequently with tongs. Turning the corn frequently allows all of the pieces of corn to cook, not just the ones on the bottom. Once the 7 minutes is done, drain water and leave corn on the cob in large pot until ready to serve. Do NOT cover your corn with a lid at any time during the boiling process. 
Serve with butter, salt and pepper. 

I have made corn on the cob like this for years. It is my tips and tricks. It makes the sweetest, most delicious, juiciest corn on the cob. Yes... it will be done and you will love it!

I use a piece of buttered bread to butter my corn. Simply... butter a piece of bread and put piece of corn on it and rotate it. Viola!

Serve with your favorite meal!

I hope this has been helpful for you. Boiling corn on the cob this way has been tried and tried here at 3595 and it truly is the only way I love to cook Corn On The Cob. 7 minutes that is all!

This is truly part of an all-American dinner.

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