Thursday, August 22, 2013

3595 Book Club

Today I am starting my very own book club. I know I know... another book club?? But... I belonged to a book club long ago and loved it and miss it. I know we are all busy with our lives, however we need some free time... some me time.
I love...❤love... ❤love... ❤love to read! One of my favorite past time hobbies. I love diving into a good book. I love reading all different kinds of books, nonfiction, fiction, mysteries, you name it I like it. I don't have an all time favorite book... but These is My Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine by Nancy Turner is on top of the... I really really like list.

Here are 5 guidelines for this book club:

1. I will choose the book. I know many of you have recommendations, but this is my club. He He.

2. We will have 6 weeks to read the book. You may get it from the library, download it, borrow it, but it will be a little over a month to finish it. I did it this way because sometimes it is hard to get and find the book.  Please don't think that you have to go out and buy the book! I myself do not do this. I get it from a friend, from the library, from OverDrive.  I hope to choose books that we can all get without waiting 5 months for.

3. On the day of the Book Club... I will post my review on my Facebook page.  You may comment, like, post pictures, whatever you would like to let me know what you thought, felt, liked, disliked about the book.

4.  Two weeks before the Book Club meets, I will announce the Book for the following month. This way if you are done early... or want to skip a month... or decided not to read the book... or whatever your life brings your way... you can join us for the next months book club meeting.

5. I hope to have fun with this! If you feel like it just another thing you should be doing, or your plate is too full right now... then by all means don't join this book club. BUT... if you feel like joining us we would love love love to have you.

OUR FIRST BOOK for this CLUB is:

Photo Courtesy of Amazon

Garden of Madness by Tracy L. Higley. 

Here is an overview from Goodreads:
The untold story of King Nebuchadnezzar's daughter

For seven years the Babylonian princess Tiamat has waited for the mad king Nebuchadnezzar to return to his family and to his kingdom. Driven from his throne to live as a beast, he prowls his luxurious Hanging Gardens, secreted away from the world.

Since her treaty marriage at a young age, Tia has lived an opulent yet oppressive life in the palace. But her husband has since died and she relishes her newfound independence. When a nobleman is found murdered in the palace, Tia must discover who is responsible for the macabre death, even if her own freedom is threatened.

As the queen plans to wed Tia to yet another prince, the powerful mage Shadir plots to expose the family's secret and set his own man on the throne. Tia enlists the help of a reluctant Jewish captive, her late husband's brother Pedaiah, who challenges her notions of the gods even as he opens her heart to both truth and love.

In a time when few gave their hearts to Yahweh, Tia must decide if she is willing to risk everything-her possessions, her gods, and her very life-for the Israelites' one God. Madness, sorcery, and sinister plots mingle like an alchemist's deadly potion as Tia chooses whether to risk all to save the kingdom-and her family.

This Book Club will meet on Tuesday, October 1, 2013. Time to be determined. Can't wait to read this book and discuss it!!!
Come join 3595's Book Club!

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