Saturday, August 24, 2013

Friday Font Love

I have to admit one of my faults. I am addicted to FONTS! Yes... you read that right fonts. NOT... Coke, Diet Coke, Dr. Pepper, Diet Dr. Pepper, etc. Dafont is one of the sites that I love scrolling thru. This is my caffeine at 2 in the morning!

Am I addicted? Let me see:
Addiction: The fact or condition of being addicted to a particular thing or activity. 
Yes... I am!

Here are my most recent downloads:

1. HFF Low Sun

2. Amadeus 

3. Cloister Black Font

4. Passion

5. Rainforest

I love these fonts. I can see myself using them for many projects!
I specifically chose Rainforest... because I just came from one of the most beautiful Rainforest's in the world. El Yungue Rainforest in Puerto Rico.
You see... adding a font to a picture is like adding color to a black and white world! You add so much to the picture.
I think this addiction started when I joined Instagram. Lol.

Rainforest Font

My Friday Font Love.... will be continued. 


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