Tuesday, September 3, 2013

H2O: Water In An Emergency

Preparing for the Ups and Downs of LIfe

I was talking to my dad who is expert when it comes to home and food storage and he said in his opinion there is only two ways to store water:

1. Drinking Water
2. Everything Else

I agree.

Drinking Water is the most important kind of water to have in an emergency. I have tried to have plenty of drinking water on hand. Then we go through it and it is gone. Then I don't replenish it and then I am thinking to myself... Oh no we don't have any more drinking water. I have committed to A Bowl full of Lemons Emergency Preparedness course in my home... and water was week #2 on my list to restock.

It is recommended that a normal healthy active person has 2 quarts (half gallon) each day. People in hot environments, and children... will require more. That is us. We live in Arizona... and it gets hot here. I have four children... We need a lot of water.

For Week #2 Water Storage this is what I did:

. I bought each one of us a pack of bottled water for our 72 hour emergency kit.
For our 72 hour kit... you will need one gallon/per person/per day. I only had one 24 pack of bottled water for my ENTIRE family. I think we would have died of dehydration the very first day.

⓶. I bought three aqua-tainer jugs from Wal-Mart. I couldn't find the link online for you, but this was the cheapest route to go.  For me, it was cheaper than Amazon, but if you want to order it from Amazon go Here.  I filled them up with water and put them in my new clean storage room. Now... they will be easy to grab and load up in a hurry.
Photo Courtesy of Amazon

I ordered a Water Bob from Amazon, here. I think this is brilliant!!  When the emergency has started, you start to fill you tub with water and viola a 100 gallons of water. It keeps drinking water fresh for 16 weeks, and includes a pump to pump the water. I knew I had to purchase this right away... I knew this could be the lifesaver for my family for a very small amount of money.

Photo Courtesy of Amazon

⓸. I already had water purification tablets in my 72 hour emergency kit, but when I ordered the water bob in order to get free shipping I ordered these water purification tablets. I added them to our 72 hour emergency kit.
Photo Courtesy of Amazon

I always have had preparation in the back of my mind. For Christmas one year... I got my husband a Camelbak.® I knew it would be good for hiking, camping, but also just in case of an emergency. I knew if we had to evacuate the state by car of by foot we would be able to use this. I got my husband's from Big 5.
I am sure you can get them anywhere, but I think it is an excellent idea for water storage. Then the following Christmas my husband said we needed to get one for the girls. We got one for my daughter Bo and now she wears it hiking, camping, etc. It a smaller child sized one. It will be good for in an emergency as well. My family does know where they are located and will be put on the last minute list (coming soon).
Photo Courtesy of Big 5

How should I store Water?

1. To prepare the safest and most reliable supply of water, it is recommend you purchase commercially bottled water. Identify the storage date and replace every 6 months.

* I found this statement to be true. You need drinking water that is safe if all of the water around you is contaminated.  If you water is contaminated you can treat your water two ways.... boiling it or treating it with bleach. The recommendations for bleach is.... add 1/8 tsp. of a teaspoon (8 drops) of liquid household chlorine bleach for every gallon of water.

2. Fill up any empty bottles with water and store. Do not use old milk containers. You can empty out old 2 liter plastic soft drink bottles and wash with mild dish soap and then let air dry, and then fill with water.
* I like to clean out my old apple juice bottles and fill them with water. They are sturdy. I have been told that this is not good because fruit sugars cannot be removed from them... but I will either boil the water and then drink it or just use it for bathing, washing, and other needs. You cannot have enough water!

Water Storage Guidelines:
1. Containers should be emptied and refilled regularly.
2. Store water only where potential leakage would not damage your home or apartment.
3. Protect stored water from light and heat. Some containers may also require protection from freezing.
4. The taste of water can be improved by pouring it back and forth between two containers before use.

According to FEMA.. you should never ration water. You should drink the amount you need today... and try and find more for tomorrow. You can minimize the amount of water your body needs by reducing activity and staying cool. 

Now... what if you can't afford to purchase all of these items?? Please do not go out and buy them all at once. Budget for them. Save for them. Become creative in storing water.
But just start today... with something. Fill and empty mason jar that is in pantry with water, etc. We do not need to go to the extremes.

H2O.... the most important part of Emergency Preparedness. I am now... better prepared.

Now... I am going to go get a drink of water... thinking about all this water has made me thirsty.


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