Thursday, August 29, 2013

Budget Binder

Budget Binder

I am organized. I am organized, as my husband asks," Where is this receipt?" In the filing cabinet of course!

I am organized.
I am organized.

I am NOT organized... as my husband gives up and can't find the receipt.  I keep telling him I know it is in there. Of course it is in there... but WHERE??

I promised myself two things that I would commit too in the next few months... getting my finances in order and getting my emergency preparedness in order. Check out how I am doing on my Emergency Preparedness here.

I  finally got my finances in order, by creating this Budget Binder.

If this is you in the before it was for me way too long... you can become the after picture TODAY.

I did it. You can too!

How to Create a Budget Binder

  • Step 1: Purchase A Binder
  • Step 2: Print off Free Printable for front cover. I added washi tape to mine. You can create it however you would like. 

To download just right click on photo and save to your computer and print. 

  • Step 3: Purchase some tab dividers and clear sheet protectors. (I found mine at Wal-Mart.)
  • Step 4: Set up your binder by Weeks... For Example... Week 1. The reason I did this was because I am on the cash flow system and I get an allotted amount of money each week. I write down everything in my binder on some wide ruled paper to keep track. Then I transfer it to the computer to my budget sheet in pages. Then at the end of the month I will go through it with my husband. The second thing you write on the dividers are the stores that you shop at and put a sheet protector under that tab so that you can put all of your receipts from that particular store into the sheet protector. (See example below.) I just wrote with my own handwriting but you can label it however you please. 

At the end of the month.. after my husband and I go through our finances and prepare for the next month I will empty out the binder, shred the not needed receipts, file the others away in the filing cabinet. That way my binder will not get too full!

I loved how it turned out! I have been using it for the past week, and it has made my life so much easier!!

Yes... it takes it work to keep my personal finances in order, but I have committed to do so. It makes things much easier to find and if I have to return something then I know right where the receipt is.
I think my husband is going to love it as well! I think he will be able to find any receipt if need be.
I keep it now... right by my Home Management Folder.

 Now... if I could just stop spending money$$

I am organized.
I am organized.

Yes... I am!


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