Friday, October 4, 2013

Halloween Front Door Sign

Please leave your broom at the Door

I am in the midst of decorating for Halloween. I love Halloween! I have always loved Halloween. I think it is one of my favorite holidays. No really.... I am not joking! However, I don't like the bloody, gory stuff. I just like the cute crafty Halloween stuff.

Today's project... my front door sign.

If you do not know... I collect witches. I decorate with witches. I love witches. 

I came up with this idea... Please leave your broom at the door! 

To do this project.... 

I went to goodwill and got a old wooden sign that had cappuccino written on it. I spent $3.99. It was the perfect color and size. Sorry.. no picture. 

I cut out from my Cricut the saying... Please leave your broom at the door. 

I just purchased the Cricut mini and don't own any cartridges yet. I don't have vinyl either.  So... this is a basic font. I just used card stock and mod podged the letters onto my board. I knew it would come out cool because of the coloring from the previous board underneath. 

At this point... I just spray painted my sign black. Let dry for about 20-30 minutes. 
I then very carefully peeled off the letters. I used the cricut tool to peel them away. It worked!

But.. then I decided I needed to distress it. I spent the next 15-20 minutes getting out my new Ryobi Sander from Home Depot.  I was very excited about this. I have sanded to many projects by hand... and I was done with that. 
Photo Courtesy of Home Depot

I read all the instructions... and realized that I don't have that much common sense. I knew how it should be put together but it didn't make sense. Then I finally figured it out! The sand paper latches on. I got the sandpaper put on and then I just wanted to go over my project slightly. 

I started at the edges and it was working. The light brown and wood was coming through. 

Then I made the mistake and went over all the lettering. 

It ruined my sign. 

Please... was no more. It was still there... but you couldn't read it. 

I almost cried. 
I had to use a black permanent marker to create my letters again. I chose to do it this way because I didn't want to ruin it anymore by spray painting it again. I didn't know what else to do. It was a big white glob. Not sure... why my sander did it this way. I thought I was using it correctly. Oh well. 
What done is done. 

I made a small broom out of a stick and some twine. I just hot glued it on above the broom part. 
There it is my sign. 

However... through almost tears and hard work... I still hung up my sign and I am still blogging about it. Simply... because I had created it. 

So... if you stop by you must leave your broom at the door. AND... don't look to carefully at the sign. It's not perfect. 


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