Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Patriotic Peg Game

Are you a genius?? Can you conquer the peg game? Me... nope, not even close. However, it sure is fun to try! I sat watching my girls play the peg game on their iPod's. Then the thought came to me... A Patriotic Peg Game. It would be fun to create. This Patriotic Peg Game...was an easy... frugal... craft.

This Patriotic Peg Game would be fun sitting on your living room table or even better... outside on your patio table. The kids can sit down..relax..and think away. You could even have a contest and see who could win... who would be the genius! What Fun!

Here are the steps to making your own DIY Patriotic Peg Game:

Patriotic Peg Game
By Carrie Perrins

Items Needed:

  • 1 wooden heart
  • blue and red spray paint
  • blue painters tape- 1" and 2"
  • sandpaper
  • printed peg patten from The Woodcrafter
  • hole punch
  • micro pegs-at least 14
  • drill and 7/32 bit 

Tape a piece of the 2" blue painters tape across the middle of the heart. Spray paint the top portion blue. Let dry. For the stripes, tape the 1" blue painters tape 1 1/2 inches apart on heart. You might have to eye ball the stripes and see if they are even. I ran out of the small blue painters tape and so I improvised and used washi tape. NOT... a good idea. The spray paint bled really bad. Please use painters tape. Spray paint the stripes red. Let dry. Remove tape and sand lightly. Once dry... print off the peg pattern and then with a hole punch, punch holes where the dots are. Lay pattern down on heart and copy pattern to board. Drill holes with a 7/32 drill bit. Do NOT go all the way through the wood. Check out the above link from The Woodcrafter if you have any other concerns. I copied their directions pretty darn close. Add micro pegs to holes. Play away!
I loved how it turned out. Yea!

Yes... my husband helped me with the drill bit part. I am having me teach me how to use a drill. I know... I am a beginner.

Nope... she isn't even close either. No genius here, at least for right now. 

I think I might try and conquer this Patriotic Peg Game before the 4 of July! Wish me Luck!

With a few filter changes on my phone... this picture was developed. I love it! I wish I would have done these colors. They aren't so bright. So... choose your paint wisely. Either way... it still will be fun.

Have a game night... I am sure your family will love it! Mine does! 

To see my previous patriotic posts...

Day 1...Star Dip Here
Day 2...Flag Pinwheel Hair Bow Here
Day 3...Framed Flag Here 
Day 4... Strawberry Cream Cheese Bagel Breakfast Sandwiches Here
Day 5... Salt & Pepper Shakers Here
Day 6... Father's Day Light Switch Cover Picture Frames Here
Day 7...Chicken Pasta Salad Here

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Carrie. It's Brooke from Blissful Roots. You really are a girl after my own heart. I was just over at your Patriotic Pinterest board and found so many things to repin. I also love this cute game! In my perfect world I'd have games like this for every holiday to play. Thanks so much for sharing. Have a wonderful day. I'll see you around.
