Monday, June 10, 2013

My June Mantel

My June Mantel was inspired by a couple of holidays... flag day and father's day. First... I had hung a flag on my mantel and realized that out of respect you are not to use the flag for decoration. So... I replaced the flag with this large pleated fan bunting from Target. It looks so good. 
Then... I printed off this subway art from Homespun With Love. It was an 8 1/2 x11 size but my frame was a little bit bigger than that. So.. I cut a piece of burlap the size of the glass and then put the subway art on top of the burlap and framed it.  

Next the white bottle was from my mantel last month that I had spray painted. Notice the pink flower... I got them from Michael's. They come in a bunch... so I had several leftover. 
I spray painted the pink flower with a white primer. Then I tie dyed it with a turquoise color. I love how unique it turned out. I wanted to add some turquoise into the flower because of the pictures of my husband Nathan... on the banner. He is in a blue turquoise shirt. I then wrapped jute twine around the bottle and secured it with hot glue on the back. I added a little piece of red washi tape at the top of the bottle. 

I used old books from our library because my husband is an avid classical reader. He loves to read the classics. I also added a ship that we picked up in the Bahamas and a globe, I found at a garage sale.  If you know my husband at all... you will know that he has plans and dreams to sail around the world. It might be happening sooner than I think. The old flag I found at Good Will. I am not sure what it is made out of... but I love the color.

For the banner...I simply cut stars out of burlap and printed off updated current photos of my husband with our four girls onto some photo paper. I punched holes into the stars... and the corners of the photos and strung them on jute. I then tied red, white, and blue ribbons in between the stars and the pictures. 

What do you think??
I think it represents flag day well and my husband for father's day. Would you add anything to it??   Would you take anything away??
I would love to know your opinion. 

I love my husband and he is a great father. I love our country and am grateful for our freedoms. I love how we adopted the flag of the United States. 
Happy June!

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