Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Blogging Starts Again

Hey friends... I am back from my month long vacation to Puerto Rico. We had an amazing time! I hope you will bear with me as I am recovering from the trip. I have a ton of laundry, mail, house organizing, etc... to get done. The girls went back to school today and it feels so great. I was able to start some projects.
Also... was able to get back to the kitchen to cooking and baking. I really missed it!! In Puerto Rico I refused to cook their food. My husband made the simplest meals for us and we ate out a lot! Anyways... It feels so good to be back home, to have good food!!!
I have not put together my weekly menu... because I am literally eating everything from my freezer! I want to have it completely used up before I go stock up on more. But.. you can find my menu for next week up on Monday.

I have learned that wanting to do one blog post and getting it done is an entirely different matter! I want to get a post up on my trip... and how I TOTALLY used Pinterest in my travels. Now... to get it done!

I missed blogging... but it was nice to have a break. You totally gives you a new outlook!
I hope to bring many great recipes, crafts, and ideas your way in the coming months.

Thanks for sticking with me!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear about your trip! I could definitely go for a month long vacation right now!
