Thursday, August 8, 2013

Saucy Apple Swirl

I wanted something to do with apples for the girls FIRST after school snack. While I was in Utah I went garage sale shopping and scored some cookbooks! I was surprised when I found myself looking for them. They ended up costing me like .25 cents! I found a ton of them and brought them home with me. I have had a love for cooking and baking for a while. I love to read through cookbooks and find good recipes.

This is a good and simple recipe. It only takes 5 ingredients, which most of the ingredients I had on hand. Yea... for recipes like that!

Saucy Apple Swirl
By Carrie Perrins
*adapted from 5 ingredients or Less

1/4 cup sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 (17 ounce) package yellow cake mix
1 2/3 cups applesauce
3 eggs

Blend sugar and cinnamon in a separate bowl. Grease a Bundt pan and dust with about 1 Tbsp. of cinnamon and sugar mixture. Blend cake mix with applesauce and eggs. Reserve 1 1/2 cups of batter. Pour remaining batter into pan. Sprinkle with remaining cinnamon/sugar mixture, then pour on reserved batter. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-45 minutes. Cool cake in pan, top side up for about 15 minutes. Then invert onto serving plate.

As for the first day of school for the year 2013-2104... I think it went well. The girls were up and dressed and ready BEFORE they needed to be... and the bus couldn't come soon enough... but then it was over before I knew it and they were back home munching on this great snack. Here a few pictures of their first day of school.

Enjoy your kids while you can.. they grow up way to fast!!
If you are in need of an after school snack.. this is it.. only 5 ingredients.
This Saucy Apple Swirl... was well... GREAT!!

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