Friday, August 16, 2013

Must Use Travel Tip- Use Pinterest As Your Travel Guide

My husband loves to travel. At first I was not to keen on the idea... but after getting out of the heat for the last two years, I love it! We leave on vacation for a whole month. Yes.. a whole month. Now, some people might think we are crazy, and we just might be, but we are self employed and are financially able to do so, and it has become a family tradition.  We have made it a priority for our family. We want to spend time with our little girls and NOW is that time. If we don't do it now, they will have grown and have moved out of the house. Our first trip several years ago was up pulling a pop-up trailer up Highway 1 along the California Coast and Oregon Coast. That was memorable! I would highly recommend it!

This year we spent the month in Puerto Rico, the Enchanted Island, or also known as ...
Isla del encanto.

Puerto Rico means, "Rich Port."  Puerto Rico is located in the northeastern part of the Caribbean. San Juan is the capital, and it has a population of about 3 million. It has such rich history! Christopher Columbus landed their on his second journey. Old San Juan... is amazing! Some of the castles date back to the 1400's.

Photo Courtesy of Pretty Me This

Now... there was no rhyme or reason why we chose Puerto Rico. We just love to travel!!
I had not researched anything about Puerto Rico before we left... and therefore did not know what was planned for the month.
Then about a week into our trip I started using Pinterest as my travel guide. We had been given a travel magazine and started looking at all the things to do there. I would pull up a certain city on Pinterest, and they would give me the beaches, plazas, restaurants, zoo's, tourist sites, and so forth.

Well... there is no one way to use Pinterest as your travel guide. Just use it! Yes... you probably should still research and plan out your trip... but if you aren't a travel guru... use Pinterest. Many travel agencies have pinned spots, pictures, etc... from many... many... resources. Most locals in Puerto Rico had pinned their homes, their favorite beaches, their favorite restaurants, etc. We went off of their pins. It was great!

Here are some of my favorite pictures... from the lovely Puerto Rico!

* All photos are mine and are not allowed to be copied without permission!

Check out my Pinterest board here. It has many beautiful photos, and ideas if you are planning a trip to Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico was absolutely amazing! I loved every moment, every beach, every beautiful jungle, and every dollar spent in this amazing place. It truly is enchanting!

Where have your travels taken you this year?


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for share this post I also share with you some more traveling tips hope this helpful for you Being open about when you travel and where to can slash your trip costs. But your savings mean less commission for some travel agents, so they may not suggest being flexible. Jaime Freedman, Group Publisher at, suggests “being your own travel agent.” Visit sites like and, plug in dates you’re willing to travel and airports you’re willing to depart from and arrive in and you just may spend less than you thought you would on your vacation.

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