Thursday, May 30, 2013

Pina Colada Smoothie

Summer has it! My kids are already bored! Love it!  No... it is good. We have been having fun together, creating memories. Last weekend we traveled to San Diego and sat on Mission Bay for the day. It was nice and relaxing. I love the beach. I rarely go in the water, but I love to watch my kids wander around and play in the sand.  I love the water on my feet, but usually it is too cold for me and I dislike the waves going over my face. There I said it, I love the beach but not the ocean. If you haven't heard about my favorite beach towel, go here. This is one "big" beach towel. I enjoyed using it last weekend. Anyways... on to the Pina Colada Smoothie. This is non-alcoholic smoothie, and it is amazing! I love me some Pina Colada's! Truly... I do.

Here is my recipe:

Pina Colada Smoothie
By Carrie Perrins
*Adapted from High Heels & Grills

1 can Pina Colada Non-Alcoholic Frozen Concentrate
1 1/2 cans of water
2 cups Festival Blend Mixed Fruit
2 cups ice

Mix all ingredients in a blender. Blend until smooth. Garnish with a pineapple.

Now... I know usually Pina Colada's are white in color. But... the mixed fruit made it turn pink. You could easily not put in the strawberries and it will be white in color. If that makes a difference to you... but it TOTALLY tastes like a Pina Colada!

This is the King of Tropical Drinks! In Spanish "Pina" means pineapple and "Colada" means strained. Pina Colada's date back to the 1800's. This is the official drink of Puerto Rico! Can't wait to try one when we go there this summer.

It was first made with coconut, pineapple, and rum.  I don't drink so I really don't know what a Pina Colada tastes like with rum, but I  love... love the coconut and pineapple mixture. Your kids will love this smoothie too. Mine couldn't get enough of it.

This Pina Colada smoothie is refreshing. Sit back and relax and enjoy your summer v.a.c.a.t.i.o.n!

Hope your summer goes smooth!

I am linking up here.

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