Friday, December 20, 2013

Lifesaver Christmas Tree

Today was the last day of school for the girls... until January. Christmas Break has officially started in our neck of the woods. I am not sure if I can say Yea!!! or Nay???
Either is here.

Each year I like the girls to give their teachers a Christmas gift.
I gave them this last year... and we made it for them again this year.

A lifesaver Christmas Tree.

This is a simple yet practical gift.
I really likes those kinds of gifts.

In all honesty... this would be a good gift for anybody... a friend, a coworker, a neighbor.
This is my go to gift for the teachers at Christmas.

Lifesaver Christmas Tree

By Carrie Perrins

  • pins
  • wintergreen lifesavers
  • styrofoam tree
  • ribbon

1. Unwrap tree from plastic.
2. Start pinning the lifesavers from the bottom up. Fill up the whole tree.
3. Pin a bow on the top with your ribbon. 

* Please be careful with the pins. They can poke you. 
* You could use as many or as little lifesavers and you would prefer. 
* You could use a small tree or even a larger one. We have done both. 
* You could use anything for the ribbon on the top... a star... a pom-pom. 

I hope you enjoy this Lifesaver Christmas Tree...  they are fun to make!!
My 11 year old and 8 year old made them this year with me for their teachers. 

Last night our Elf Skippy decided he wanted to make one of his own. Ha Ha. 

I truly hope that each of you will have a...


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